Time and time again we hear the pains of hotels not being able to change or properly configure their systems to suit their needs, and the pains of not having a local team to reach out to.
Clarity removes these pain points by providing the best support on the market.
24/7 on-call support by Clarity people
Real People, based in Auckland, New Zealand and Enderby, UK
Cloud hosted option reduces call out time and cost
Remote access for hands-on problem resolving by technicians
Underpinned by full support management system, with full site details and site history
A choice of Support Level Agreements available
Pre-installation consulting, planning and parameterisation
Site audit of IT equipment and facilities if required
On-site installation
Free of charge installation and configuration for Cloud hosted sites
On-site or ‘classroom’ training options
Full or customised training options
Full training notes and practice examples provided
Training database always provided with each installation
Always-available online Knowledge Base, Videos, Examples